Today ABVP conducted a press conference at the Press Club of India showing all the video evidences in which the leaders of the Left organizations are seen carrying sticks and stones in bulk. In some videos the Left cadres can be clearly seen hitting the ABVP students in a targeted and coordinated manner. All those names taken by the police in its press brief after its primary inquiry can be seen indulging in violence in front of the Periyar Hostel. The details of the videos are as follows, in the serial order:
1. Amutha Jayadeep and Aparjita Raja are holding stick in hand in front of Periyar hostel on 5 Jan,2020
2. Mob with holding stick in their hand led by JNUSU President Aishe Ghosh entered into Periyar hostel
3. Group of students from left organizations were collecting rods, sticks and other material before attack on Periyar. 4. Shubhkirti,Valentina and Shambhavi Jha were beaten up by mob in front of Periyar hostel.
5. Mob attacking students in front of Periyar hostel.
6. Mob chased Shivam Chaursia and beaten him brutally
7. Chunchun pelting stone in front of periyar hostel.
8. Chunchun holding stick and chasing to attack in academic area.
9. Geeta Kumari blocked Communication and Information Services Office (Server Room).
10. Threat by Leftist Prof. B.S. Badola directed towards security guards prohibiting them from doing their duty. Later the security guard admitted it on record that Prof. Badola helped Leftist goons in entering the campus.
ABVP highlights that the campus of JNU was already simmering with tension and acrimony since 28th October 2019, the day the new hostel manual was released. The Left abused the sentiments of the students and disrupted all the academic activities in the University. For last two and half months the classes in JNU are not taking place, the exams were not allowed to happen by the violent Left, and most unfortunately the students were attacked when they tried to register themselves from the Next semester.
The anti-academic attitude of Leftists has openly taken the resort of the violence to punish all the pro- academics students of JNU. The Left student organizations are acting on the instructions of Leftist teachers sitting in the key faculty positions of JNU. They are politically motivated and they are using students to play their dreadful politics which is essentially destructive in nature and it aims at bringing an atmosphere of destabilization in the society.
ABVP has submitted all the raw video evidences to the police and has demanded the fair and detailed inquiry of the chain of the incidents starting from 28th October. ABVP has categorically demanded strict punishments for all those who are found guilty in the act of violence.
Nidhi Tripathi, National General Secretary, ABVP, said, "The members of left organizations are torturing the students and the teachers who want to partake in academic activities in the JNU campus. They are asking for their social boycott through their Kangaroo courts, this clearly shows the ideological untouchability being practiced by such organisations. Those involved in such activities are trying to destroy the academic ethos of JNU and have malign the institution's name."