Press Release


Central University Admissions Academic Year 2021-22 - Helpline by ABVP

ABVP the largest student organisation, in terms of membership, as always keeping the needs and requirements of students in fore has formed a nationwide helpline to assist aspirants for admission in various central universities situated across India. ABVP karyakarthas manning the helpline numbers can help and guide with information regarding various courses, eligibility criteria, admission procedure, timeline, etc…

Big win for ABVP! 

The pandemic situation has caused hardship to people of all walks of life, and students are one of the most affected lot. Specifically the research scholars whose thesis submission date is in near future face much burden because of the hardships they faced to pursue their research work during the lockdown period. Keeping in mind the best interests of research scholars, ABVP had put forth the demand of extension to UGC Chairman Prof DP Singh on 9th Feb 2021 and Hon'ble …



केन्द्र सरकार द्वारा नवोदय विद्यालयों को सैनिक विद्यालयों में बदलने की योजना के विरुद्ध अखिल भारतीय विद्यार्थी परिषद दिल्ली प्रान्त के कार्यकर्ताओं द्वारा का जंतर-मंतर से संसद भवन तक विरोध प्रदर्शन किया गया। साथ ही सभी जिलों में नए सैनिक व नवोदय विद्यालय खोलने की मांग की गई।



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